Loryn banner placement
Black and white picture of Loryn Engelsman

Loryn Engelsman


Loryn Engelsman is known for her bold, graphic lines and expressive characters, describing her style as ‘fizzing with overly honest humour’.

Growing up in New Zealand’s North Island city of Hamilton, Loryn was inspired by the scratchy illustrations of Quentin Blake and the bold style of street artists Barry McGee and Keith Haring. She loves people watching and now finds her imagination piqued by the quirky things she sees while out and about.

Favourite projects include editorial work for NZ’s Metro magazine and a fun set of illustrations for local restaurant, Mr Pickles. Loryn prides herself on her professionalism, aiming to make the process as simple as possible for clients. With a super-powered ‘can-do’ attitude, she zaps complex briefs into finely honed images with powerful communication capabilities.

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