There’s a sophistication and worldliness to Trevor Powell’s work that suggests a wise soul. Born in rural Auckland, he moved to the city for 20 years before settling west in a modern house with a big garden, just like his childhood.
When he is not illustrating he enjoys catching up with Sci-Fi’s latest future concepts on film or books and indulges in furniture making using his collection of handyman tools and small machines. It follows that his dream brief could either be futuristic or historical.
Trevor recalls his first drawing was an Eskimo holding a spear, an image with an authenticity that is consistent with the integrity and progress of eras he references such as the Industrial Revolution and the Golden Age of Flight. Both appeal to Trevor’s layered curiosity so visible in his work. 2014 was a good year. Recognition included three New Zealand Best Awards – Gold for Artesian Water, Silver for Seafarers and Silver for artisan wine maker Corofin. Trevor is drawn to the magic realism of artist Alex Colville, rates Jennifer Lawrence on the big screen and chooses peppermint ice-cream hands down every time.